
Vitamin syrup – Mineralizing
ESELÉ® is a vitamin complex and mineralizing which provides the combined activity of Selenium and Vitamin E in its formula, together with the important contribution of Magnesium and Potassium, all of them are components that benefit muscular activity. Selenium is essential for tissue breathing and to protect against liver necrosis of diet origin.
Vitamin E improves selenium activity and becomes essential in muscle metabolism, due to its powerful antioxidant activity and as preventive of myositis and muscular dystrophies. Numerous research documents show that the daily supplement of vitamin E enables better use of the performance potential top-level competition horses. Magnesium and Potassium, with an important presence in ESELɮs formula (200 mg. each, per dose), become essential to facilitate the efficient contractibility of the muscular fibers. Magnesium as cofactor of the enzymes acting in the phosphate transport reactions using ATP, and Potassium playing an important role, mainly in the cell electric excitability.
ESELÉ® is indicated in the prevention and treatment of different myositis of the adult equine, in the white muscle disease in foals, vitamin E and Selenium deficit syndrome associated to reproduction disorders (low fertility rate, non-infectious abortions).
Simultaneoulsy, it provides the amount of minerals contributed by the diet and prevents potassium deficit that might occur due to excessive sweating or the use de saluretic diuretics.
Target species:
Sport and working equines not intended to human food consumption.
Posology, dosage and administration:
ESELÉ® is administered in 5 ml per each 100 Kg of weight, (e.g., 20 ml for an animal weighing 400 Kg), by oral route, pure, daily, during the entire training period or according to the criterion of the Veterinarian in charge.
Ampoule bottle x 500 and 1000 ml.
Vitamin E (di-tocopherol acetate) …………. 6,000 IU
Sodium selenite ……………………………………….. 0.033 g
Magnesium chloride ………………………………………. 1 g
Potassium chloride ……………………………………….. 1 g
Formulation agents q.s. ……………………………. 100 ml
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. The product must be applied by a Veterinary Doctor.