
Antidiarrheal intestinal desinfectant
Intestinal pathological processes which most frequently appear in the horse, but that also are present in other species, are commonly due to an alteration in the enteric tract bacterial content, with the consequent break of the balance normally existing between the normal fermentative and putrefactive flora. To this cause, it should be added the pollution, in general by food, as well as the nervous excitement or the intake of vegetal toxins.
The treatment of this pathology should be addressed from different viewpoints, given the difficulties presented by the identification of the process etiology: restoration of the normal bacterial balance, elimination of the pathogen flora, adsorption of gases and toxins, and definitive regularization of the intestinal transit. BOLICOL® is a complete association of bactericide spasmolytic activity drugs, adsorbent of gases and toxins, and slower of colonic kinesis, for the quick and effective treatment of the pathological changes in the intestinal tract, especially those that occur with diarrheal syndrome. BOLICOL® is harmless and free of secondary reactions. The end of treatment is not followed by constipation.
Diarrheas of bacterial or toxic origin. Enteritis. Gastroenteritis. Meteorism.
Food infections.
Target species:
Foals, Calves, Pigs, Sheep, Canines and Felines; Sport and working equines not intended to human food consumption.
Posology, dosage and administration:
ADULT equines: 100 ml/100 klw.
Foals, calves and lambs up to 2 month old, pigs: 2 ml/klw.
Dogs and cats: 2 ml/klw.
The product will be applied orally straight in the mouth or by
nasogastric tube
Bottle x 1000 ml. Container x 5 liters.
Ftalilsulphathiazol …………………………………… 2.6 g
Dihydroestreptomicine sulphate …………….. 0.51 g
Homatropin methylbromide ……………………. 0.5 mg
Dimethylpolysiloxane ………………………………. 1.0 g
Ultra activated carbon ……………………………… 0.5 g
Formulation agents q.s. …………………………… 100 ml
The product must be applied by a Veterinary Doctor.