
Suiferro Fuerte
Potent Antianemic
Anemia due to iron deficit appears in bovine cattle and pigs, and may be due to the shortage of mineral in the diet, as well as to parasitosis, infectious or constitutional diseases or deficiencies in iron intestinal assimilation. SUIFERRO FUERTE associates the three mineral elements governing the process of formation and maturity of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, in the form of delayed assimilation organic salts and effective dosage that simplifies the treatment to the administration of a dose every 30-45 days.
Anemias. Growing animals. Lack of development. Convalescences of infectious or parasite diseases causing anemia. Weight loss. Gastrointestinal parasitosis. Pregnancy, breast-feeding. Pre and post weaning.
Target species:
Bovines and pigs.
Posology, dosage and administration:
Bovines: 1 to 2 ml every 100 Kg of weight.
Pigs: 0.3 ml every 5 Kg of weight.
Repeat every 30 – 45 days as needed.
Dose and interval may be changed according to the Veterinarian’s criterion.
Administration rutes:
Bovines: Subcutaneous on the flabby part of the neck.
Pigs: Subcutaneous or intramuscular behind the neck.
Ampoule bottle x 250 ml.
Sodium and iron edetate…………………………. 10,000 mg
Sodium and cobalt edetate……………………… 5,000 mg
Sodium and copper edetate ……………………….. 50 mg
Formulation agents q.s……………………………….. 100 ml
The product must be applied by a Veterinary Doctor.